February 01

A Punjabi wedding

Today we went a Punjabi wedding about 40 minutes away from Chandigarh at a wedding palace (it has an indoor area for food and all the marquees are set up outdoors). The bride was the sister of Jass Bains – Happy’s friend from Perth, and there were some other friends from Perth there too and it was so nice to see them again after so long (Gill, Kohli, Master & Aman).

This was the wedding car and the entrance to the venue …

We all went inside and there were huge tables set up with a buffet of food (Pakoras, omlet, dhaal, chicken curry, Indian sweets, cakes, sandwiches, you name it they had it!) 20140131-224111.jpg

We then all sat at a table outside together and there was entertainment on the stage singers & dancers doing Bhangra (Punjabi traditional dance) it was so good I couldn’t stop watching!! Waiters constantly brought food and fruit to our table and beer for the boys, juice for the girls! Kohli said to me sorry Steph girls can’t drink here, I said to him I am sure I will be ok on juice I am not an alcoholic!! I was suprised that they didn’t have chai tea, that I am addicted to!!
They must have had about 50 waiters at least and there was at least 1000 people at the wedding in total, and you just sit anywhere you like and help yourself to food inside or the waiters bring it to you it seemed quite easy going. The decorations and purple material around everything looked amazing!

When the bride and groom arrived there was a band playing drums all around them and their immediate family walking alongside them holding a piece of material above their heads, they were lead to the front next to the stage where a special area was set up decorated with flowers and a big white fancy couch, the couple sat there with cloths on their laps and all the guests and family lined up to have their photo taken with the couple and everyone dropped either cash or gold into the laps of the bride and groom.

We all went off and lined up, that is our friend Gill and his wife behind the bride & groom, and Jass Bains and his wife (bride – Jass sister). Check out the amount of people waiting in line!



After eating some more food and watching the dancers we left at about 5pm (it finished around that time) and went home…



One of happys friends invited us to his wedding next week and it was in this box (invite on front and inside cover and inside the box was sweets!! Loved it haha

